I get asked this question a lot because I started off with calligraphy simply as a hobby, with no intention of doing this at all as a business. Yet, as I shared in my journey of learning calligraphy, there were a lot of ups and downs. So, how did I stay motivated to learn this craft?
A few things that came to mind as I reflected on this question. Why do I write? The answer to this question has evolved so much over time.
So, how I stayed motivated to learn and develop calligraphy was because I continued to ask why. It helped me see that the beauty of learning calligraphy was in the process of the ups and downs, literally and figuratively. My motivation was in the enjoyment I found in the journey of slowing down and taking the time to focus on each pressure, each stroke, each shape that was coming to life through writing.
To help you stay motivated, I encourage you to enjoy the process! This printable can be a square, or a 5x7. Print it on some gorgeous cardstock! Get the printable here.
P.S. But of course, it really does help to come up with a step-by-step plan to learning calligraphy. Following a program, like a workout plan, with accountability, will really help you stay motivated to learn.
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