Start Practicing The Basics

Whether you're looking to improve your handwriting or explore a new creative hobby, you've arrived at the perfect starting point.

  1. Gather Your Tools: All you need is a pen and ink. Or a pencil! 
  2. Practice Daily: Just 15-20 minutes a day with our specially designed worksheets can make a huge difference.
  3. Set the vibe with your favorite playlist!

Get Started Today!

Don’t wait to discover your new passion — download your free 6-page calligraphy guide now and see where this beautiful art form can take you.

Meet Your Teacher 

Hi there! I'm Karla Lim a modern calligrapher, designer, and calligraphy educator of 11 years. 

Since 2011, I have helped thousands of students find their love for calligraphy and I'm excited to help you do the same. Honestly, I'm so grateful to have found calligraphy. It's a beautiful and meaningful invitation to slow down, and in many ways it has been so healing and therapeutic for me, especially when I am struggling with anxiety. I hope I can bring you the joy that calligraphy makes for me to you.Â